Thursday, February 28, 2013

Next Game - 15 March - Riverlakes

The next game for the Lands SGC  is:- 
Venue:    Riverlakes
Date:       Friday,  15 March
Time:      8 .00am
Event:     Bisque +'s & -'s (Secret Partners)

For bookings - contact Tony McEvoy - phone (3239  0955), email ( ) or on the blog ( ) before midday on Thursday 14 March.

Note 1 - Fees are now due - (to either myself or Longy)
Current members $55 / year with a $5 discount if paid before 1st March, 2013 - so $50  
New members $70 / year with a $5 discount if paid before 1st March, 2013 - so $65
New members receive a club shirt as part of their fees.
Fees include $20 for annual raffle.

Note 2 - Fees are now due -
If you wish to pay your fees via EFT the following are the Club's bank details -

Account Name -       DGI Social Golf Club
BSB -                          704-604
Account Number -    70111 (S1)  (Generally you won't need the S1 - the S1 is important if transaction is within QPCU)
Bank -                        Queensland Professional Credit Union

Please put some sort of 'tag' on the EFT and send me an email so that I can record your payment.

Rod Farmer