Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Draw for Riverlakes tomorrow

From 7am sharp…there is a ladies members comp at 8am and we want to be well gone before them.  Keep it flowing.

B Rogers 14, A Watego 17, S Conroy 28, M Kay TBA
G Hopkins 21, R Smith 24, B Gilder 30, T McEvoy 17
S Coleman 21, D Raphael 17, A Gleeson 9, R Marsden 25
S McNally 31, P Swenson 19, R Farmer 24 , P Long 16

Bisque Rules

You can use your handicap wherever you want until its gone.

You must decide how many strokes you are using on the hole just completed before teeing off on the next hole.

e.g. playing off 27, have a 6 on a par 4. You can do any of the following :-

a) use 3 of of your handicap strokes to have a birdie which is a +
b) use 2 of your H/C strokes to have a par which is a 0
c) use none of your H/C strokes to have a -

At the end of the day the player with the highest + balance wins (8 +'s, 2 -'s, 8 zeros = +6 total)

There is a mystery partners draw & a single event (both using your +/- score)

See ya’s there
